2024 Campaign Co-Chairs Jodee Nell and Kevin Eckhoff

Illinois Food Map

2024 Campaign Co-Chairs Jodee Nell and Kevin Eckhoff
Upcoming News and Events
We've surpassed our goal! Our "Just Imagine" campaign has successfully concluded, raising $492,655, surpassing our goal of $470,000!
Allocation Meetings- March 17-20, 2025. Our allocation process allows for volunteers to determine which programs are funded through a very thorough application & presentation process. These volunteers, review materials, compare outcomes year to year, and interview each program director to find out how many individuals will be served, and how the program will meet the needs of the community. 100% of local donations stay in our area to help needy people.
Prairieland United Way is partnering with Bound to Stay Bound Books Foundation & The Dollywood Foundation to provide one book a month to Morgan, Cass, Scott & Greene County children from birth to age five with books, delivered directly to their home, at no cost to families. To register go to https://imaginationlibrary.com